Yep that would help no doubt. I watched several You Tube video's and finally got it to work. Had to back date the cable driver and change the radio model from what I actually had MT3 thanks for getting back to me was getting pretty frustrated
Sent from my Verizon ASUS Smartphone
-------- Original Message -------- From:Jim Unroe Sent:Fri, 11 Oct 2019 10:25:28 -0700 To:Discussion of CHIRP Subject:Re: [chirp_users] Can someone tell me how to fix the error below
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 11:16 AM Jerry Kite wrote:
Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want
Jerry Surprise AZ
You need to provide more information. At a minimum which radio you are trying to program, which Vendor/Model you are choosing in CHIRP and which operating system CHIRP is running in. Attaching the debug.log file would also be helpful.
Jim KC9HI _______________________________________________ chirp_users mailing list This message was sent to Jerry R Kite at To unsubscribe, send an email to