Thanks Tom. Yes, I'm following the Yaesu manual to the letter.
When the display says "CLONE START", the manual says to push the 'set' button, the screen will blank, and then the display will show "CLONE". I do that, and it does.
The manual then says to start the receiving radio, and I click the start button in CHIRP. The manual then says to push the left-bank 'V/M' key to initiate transmission; when I press that button, nothing happens - the display still reads "CLONE", the "-TX-" doesn't show, and CHIRP times out with this error:
"Failed to communicate with radio: Failed to read header (0)".
I also tried your tip about the radio going into clone mode without a cable - nope, it behaves exactly the same. No "-TX-", no error, no nothing.
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 21:17:59 -0700
From: Tom Hayward <>
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Trouble with FT-8800 on an iMac
On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Grant Cunningham <> wrote:
- I start CHIRP, click the radio menu and choose "download from radio"
- I choose the /dev/cu.usbserial-AE01FMRW port (the others listed are Bluetooth; this is the only other choice)
- I choose the radio (Yaesu FT-8800)
- I put the radio into clone mode, then click OK in the clone window
- After I click the OK button, I press the left V/M button on the radio to initiate the clone transmission.
- The radio never goes into transmit mode (it's supposed to display "CLONE -TX-" when transmission is initiated, but it never does.) The CHIRP display shows no progress, and after a short period times out with a communication error message.
When "in clone mode", does it say "CLONE" or "CLONE START" on the screen?
There's got to be a step your missing on the radio. Even with no cable
attached, the radio will go into "CLONE -TX-" mode (shortly followed
by CLONE ERROR because no cable is attached!). Reread page 58 in the
FT-8800 manual and make sure you didn't miss a step. Substitute step 4
for "Download from Radio" in Chirp.