Turns out I was using the wrong USB driver. This one works for me:
The link came from:chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MacOS_Tips
I figured if I got motivated again I could get this resolved within a matter of minutes. One thing is knowing how to find what you're looking for at chirp.danplanet.
I hope this will work with my other PL2303 XA/HXA cable used for my Anytone that some developer one day may have a copy loaned to. Ed Griffin from Import Communications has already expressed interest in providing a radio. But he is a busy entrepreneur so he may be slow at getting one out.
The problem I run into on my Windows 7 32 bit machine is if I'm using an old Radio Shack USB to DB9 serial cable it wants to disable the PL2303 chipped cables. So after I use that really old cable I have to unplug it in order to play musical chairs driver configurations to get rid of the Error #38 unable to start because a copy of the driver is still in memory. Sometimes I can just unplug it and plug it back in to re-enumerate the port, sometimes a restart the plug back in sometime changing com ports in the driver setup I'll tell you what, I'm the Master of com port driver manipulation in Windows 7 ! But this Chiro in Mac will help keep the confusion to minimal by allowing me to work with the Wouxun in Mac.