When the original UV-5R was introduced back in early 2012 and support was added to CHIRP shortly after that, the VHF band limits were VHF Low: 136 and VHF High: 174. This provided a STEP compatible frequency range from 136.0000 - 173.9975 MHz. This is why CHIRP is currently considering that 174.000 is "out of supported range".

It was recently realized that many UV-5R radios since 2014 have been shipping with the band limits updated to VHF Low: 130 and VHF High: 176 which provides a range that includes 174.000 MHz. It was just earlier this week that I submitted a patch that will update CHIRP to all this newer range. Once this patch is approved, the following CHIRP daily build will support frequencies up to 175.9975 MHz.


On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 10:41 AM Michael Weber <Michael.Weber@ca.kghm.com> wrote:

                I am trying to use a split frequency setup where I transmit at 174.000. I get an error that it is out of supported range. I changed the setting under other settings VHF upper limit to be aove 174 (175) and I still get the error.


Any ideas?


Michael Weber


T(705)8321542 EXT 3624MW

F (705)8321543



McCreedy West Mine


410 Falconbridge Rd., Unit 4

Sudbury, ON

P3A 4S4www.kghm.com



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