I tested right now with development branch and can confirm
it works like
a charm.
But ... you know I'm on linux, is there some one that can try with windows?
Tom, do we have something different in the build environment since the
last working version?
Basil, I'm quite sure is not a cable issue as we do the same echo check
on the cable during radio download, if it works in download I don't see
a reason for it to refuse to work for upload.
...mmm... can you try with linux? May be with live CD if you don't have
a linux machine, see
http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Download#Live-CDIf we don't rule this out before, I'll try myself on a windows
next week.
73 de IZ3GME Marco
On 01/30/2014
07:00 PM, Tom Hayward wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Basil Copeland <
blcjr2@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I found the source code. Thanks.
>> Well, I can understand why a code readability update shouldn't matter. But
>> before dismissing the matter, shouldn't someone try to replicate my problem,
>> i.e. actually try to program an FT-60 or an FT-8800 with the builds I
>> reported problems with? If they do, and it works for them, then I would
>> think that narrows it to a cable issue, and we should look at what cables
>> are being used successfully, versus what I'm using unsuccessfully. While I
>> will not rule out a cable
issue per se, I have to be jaundiced about blaming
>> it on the cable since I have successfully used the FT-60 cable (FTDI) with
>> the Commander software. I purchased an FTDI cable at the same time as the
>> other two, for a VX-7, but haven't tried to program it yet. I think I'll
>> try to get around to it today, and see if there are related issues.
>> Basil
> Firstly, let's handle these two radios separately. I can only test one
> at a time.
> I don't have a FT-8800 I can borrow for testing.
> The last time I borrowed an FT-60 for testing was 2013-12-18 and Chirp
> was working fine then:
> Tom KD7LXL
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