24 Dec
24 Dec
2:30 p.m.
On 25/12/19 7:00 am, Fred Erickson wrote:
I have a RPi but have never tried putting Chirp on it. Just installed it this afternoon and it runs just fine on my RPi3+.
I was going to play with the Raspberry Pi Yesterday but it's in the bottom box and it's just too much trouble, plus I must admit that I'm fed up with the Baofeng radio.
I seem to remember some talk sometime ago about the python-serial program not being install automagically when installing the python packages on some systems. You might check that on your computer.
That's not the problem here Fred. I have both python serial libraries (Chirp is built on Python 2) installed. As I say, USB serial communication works correctly with everything else, just not this radio.