Gosh! Thanks for being kind about that! I think that I am too outspoken, and I actually meant to delete the email. I was momentarily stunned when I saw a post with exactly the same subject!
Yes...I like what you have recommended. I used to have a link to something similar, but then the web page went away.
Saay...what's up here? I feel cheated <grin> Instructions For Specific Clients No Eudora!
Again, thanks for the suggestion. Much appreciated, and I have bookmarked it.
On 2020-04-01 09:25:-0500, you wrote:
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 8:50 AM NE1EE - Rich <mailto:NE1EE@hotmail.comNE1EE@hotmail.com> wrote:
So maybe we could have some sort of monthly reminder email, with explanations?
A gentile but direct reminder is more effective I think, but it wouldn't hurt to reference the full list once a breach is noted (for everyone).
This list seems pretty complete:
Thanks, Richard