By suggesting a non-violent, mostly peaceful protest (supported by many high level Canadian politicians by the way) is an "attempt to overthrow our democracy", one might think you are an idiot. By posting your original message which is totally irrelevant to this website and has no place here, you only confirmed it. go away and find a more appropriate place to post this garbage!

On Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 6:12 PM Galen Thurber <> wrote:
I call to disavow the logistical & equipment, financial support that associate VA6LM Leslie Thomas Michaelson of  EDMONTON, is providing to the illegal protest, Ottawa occupation & to the Couts Alberta blockage.

His actions are a gross violation of the code of conduct of amateur radio operator.
His disinformation and incitement to hatred is unacceptable.

Galen Thurber
Halifax. NS
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