Two things.
It is common for these cables to not make good contact in the sockets of the radio. Make sure it is ALL the way in, and hold it there. Some have even had to trim plug molding to fully insert.
0.3.1 is very old and not recommended for this radio, get the latest daily build from: http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_daily/ or if running Ubuntu (or other Debian variants ) use the instructions on right hand side of page on the download page to add the daily build repository: http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Download
On 08/13/2015 10:15 PM, Charles Albert wrote:
Hello, All...
I have the above radio and I'm trying to get CHIRP 0.3.1 on Linux to connect to the radio.
I'm using an USB cable that shows up as ttyUSB0. None of the lights on the radio change (LED should blink, right?) and CHIRP errors that the radio is not responding.
Any ideas where I should start looking?
Take Care & 73 Charles KC6UFM
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