
I submitted a patch to CHIRP to improve its KG-UV6X compatibility.

The first part of the patch addresses the X model not having a PONMSG setting. This will allow you to return to the original .img file that you sent to me, if you want. ;-)

While diagnosing the problem that was keeping your settings menu from appearing, I installed the Powerwerx programming software and noticed that while D version had a single setting for bandwidth that adjusted both the RX bandwidth and TX bandwidth at the same time. The X model has a separate setting for RX bandwidth and TX bandwidth. So with CHIRP you could only set and control the RX bandwidth and the TX bandwidth was "stuck" at the default NARROW (NFM) setting.

My patch also adds the ability for X model radios to set the TX bandwidth setting. Here is how you do it.

1 click on a memory to highlight it (or use ctrl-click, shift-click etc. to highlight a group of memories)
2 right-click on a highlighted memory
3 select "Edit" from the dialog box
4 edit the "Mode TX(KG-UV6X)" setting at the bottom of the menu. Note: you can edit the original (RX) Mode setting on this menu panel, too.

Anyway, these change will be available in tomorrow's CHIRP daily build.



On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 11:57 PM, Rob Gowler <> wrote:
Jim, what ever you did worked perfectly.  I'll never understand how you did it, but thanks for all of your help.

Radio works GREAT!
