Try just turning it on without going into clone mode. Then tell chirp to connect. If the radio is supported by chirp and your drivers are correct it should connect.
No, that's not how Yaesu radios work. They have to be in clone mode and they require the user to do a coordinated dance to trigger the process at the right time. It's almost exclusively a Yaesu behavior and, yes, it is supremely annoying.
We had to add the instruction box to chirp purely for Yaesu radios, as for basically every other brand it just works like you describe.
Then, you hit the band key and it tries to communicate with the radio.
Jim, make sure you have clicked OK on the chirp instruction box before you hit the band key. CHIRP has to be "waiting" before you press the band button on the radio to send the image, and it's not ready until you click pass the instruction box.