However... If you were to go down this path... One solution might be to be able to "tag" each of the memories to be changed, choose which field to have its data modified and have a field that can then have the new value entered into it. It still might be a bit kludgy if this has to be done each time, so it would be better still if the tagged entries could be remembered to simplify future editing. I think this would be great if not too difficult...
No, I think that's a pretty reasonable action to expect. Right now, you can only select one row at a time, but I can certainly allow you to select multiples. In that case, I could have a menu option that would let you change one or more fields of every selected memory location at once.
Let me do the bank stuff for all the radios first, as I think that's an important piece of functionality. Once that's done, we can dig into making the GUI more useful. How does that sound?