Yeah, I didn't mention it before, but I tried both control V and entering on
"paste" in the edit menu with the same results.
I exported to Open Office, I could try Libra Office to see if that works
I had been told years ago that Excel wants to remove commas from Chirp
----- Original Message -----
From: "Erdgon Wireless via Users" users@lists.chirpmyradio.com
To: "Dan Smith via Users" users@lists.chirpmyradio.com
Cc: "CHIRP users list" users@lists.chirpmyradio.com; "Dan Smith"
dsmith@danplanet.com; "Erdgon Wireless" erdgonwireless@tuta.com
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2025 9:25 AM
Subject: [users] Re: TID H3 Can't Paste
I use Linux based LIbre Office/Open Office/Chirp all the time.
C&P/Import/Export. No issues. One thing if in Linux I have found using Paste
from the menu selection in a number of programs ges around the CTRL-V
I continually use Libre Calc with the exported file all the time because I
can control the column selections/widths and print formating better than in
Chirp. Chirp has always printed in "barly can see ink saver mode" for me.
Nothing to get one's panties in a twist over.
Secured with Tuta Mail:
Feb 20, 2025, 19:55 by users@lists.chirpmyradio.com:
>> You put in filters, so if I use B l i n d or s c r e e n r e a d e r
>> the messages will not make it to the list.
> This is the Fake News, and it will be your last time asserting it on the
> infrastructure I pay for you to use for free. I've been trying to get you
> to file a bug so I can spend my evening examining your file and explaining
> how you've broken the format so you can fix it. But you just want to
> complain. While waiting for you to do that so I can help you, I've also
> spent my dinner time implementing a best-effort function to try to parse
> out the format that LibreOffice/OpenOffice puts on the clipboard to let
> you copy/paste multiple memories from that application directly into
> chirp. Just for you. That change will be in tomorrow's build, and yet
> while writing and debugging that, I'm fielding accusations and complaints
> from you on this list. Sometimes I feel like a masochist.
>> The truth is, Chirp does not read the fields with a SR so that is not
>> fake.
>> Anyone can run J A W S and try it with Chirp and without the use of a
>> mouse,
>> and they will get nowhere.
>> Yet, I can open any database program and use it with my SR.
>> I have access to three different SRs.
>> If people cared about a c c e s s i b i l i t y, they would test Chirp
>> with
>> a SR.
> As I have said many times before, this is a _fundamental_ lack of support
> in the windowing toolkit that CHIRP uses to be cross-platform. It is not
> something CHIRP can or will address. You may feel free to complain to
> WxWidgets about this. I'm sorry it doesn't work with a screenreader like
> JAWS for better accessibility, but you should feel free to learn how to
> fix the underlying issue, or of course, use another tool.
> Complaining about WxWidgets not supporting screenreaders for the Grid
> widget is officially offtopic for this list. I really hate "code of
> conduct" documents, but we clearly need one for this list. I'll work on
> that, because clearly this decade-old FAQ entry is not enough:
> --Dan
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