Chirp works great for this purpose.  One can also change the mode as desired.  Yaesu
had no plans to do anything about this so chirp is a great service for these units.
I don't think the rigs have the inherent ability to change the 60M channels or modes "on the fly" so chirp is the only option.  Whether or not Yaesu is going to make a change to
future units remains to be seen but I doubt they are going to do anything about it.
I was wondering since the 897 is an 857 in a different box, does 60M programming work with chirp too?
                                             Kurt KC9LDH

--- On Fri, 8/17/12, Richard Hanna <> wrote:

From: Richard Hanna <>
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] FT817ND/M601-M605
To: "Charles Via" <>, "Discussion of CHIRP" <>
Date: Friday, August 17, 2012, 8:16 AM

I think I may have selected the "International" version of the 817ND, because I was getting a "Error" on the 817 screen at the end of the upload. I started all over...and it worked. As us pilots used to say..."Suffering from Cockpit Turbulence"!  It's working fine now, and got the 60M  M603 reprogrammed fine!

Dick, K3VYY