What follows is a message recently sent to the Ubuntu-hams mailing list.
I know there are some people on this list who use the Ubuntu-hams PPA, and we're trying to reach as many people as we can about this change. Steve AI4QR
QST QST QST. ACTION IS REQUIRED BY YOU if you use the ubuntu-hams PPA software archive! . . .
In order to comply with Launchpad's recently improved PPA security policy[0] we have removed the ubuntu-hams PPA and replaced it with a new PPA owned by a new Launchpad team "ubuntu-hams-updates": https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-hams-updates/+archive/ppa This will allow us to properly control uploads to the PPA, and therefore much stronger protection from malware interference[1].
Our open access "ubuntu-hams" team will continue to exist at: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-hams and will continue to host our mailing list, but will no longer host a PPA software archive.
You do not need to join the new "ubuntu-hams-updates" team (in fact you cannot do so), but you must now remove the old defunct PPA and add the new PPA to your system software sources[2]. To do so, paste these commands into a terminal window:
sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-hams-ppa-* # type your password when prompted
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-hams-updates/ppa # press ENTER when prompted
sudo apt-get update # wait for the "$" prompt to reappear
The orange Update Manager icon will likely now appear in your icon bar at upper right; use it to install the latest updates from the new PPA and the main Ubuntu archive.
We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions about the new ubuntu-hams-updates PPA, or the migration process, do not hesitate to ask.
73 de KA6MAL es AI4QR
-Kamal Mostafa KA6MAL -Steve Conklin AI4QR
[0] Launchpad has mandated that large teams like ~ubuntu-hams (226 members and growing) should better control who can upload and modify their PPA software archives.
[1] We have never experienced any malware interference with our ubuntu-hams PPA; this is a preventative measure.
[2] If you don't update your software sources, no harm will occur... your existing ubuntu-hams packages will remain installed on your system, but you won't get any further updates to those packages.