
my cable to programm baofeng uv-5R not work or is fault my rtx uv-5r ?

in how mode i test is faut the rtx or the cable ????

i create the CHIRP  cd-live on usb boot pen.... but if i download to rtx it say ERROR no 2.... what is ?

in how mode i TEST the cable is not dead ???

best 73


i try to connect  th cable via  CHIRP CD LIVE  (linux ?)  and I think the cable is recognized…


but I not very shure it is effectly recognized …there isn’t a TEST  to know this ?


I open CHIRP  and select “downolad”  is  say this :




Could open  Port/dev/ttyUSB0    [ ERRORno2 ]


No  file or directory /dev/ttyusb0



…..is correct  that use this  TTYUSB0  ? the others ports is not  called “usb” ….


And  what is this ERROR no 2  ?


Is  FAULT and dead  my usb cable or my  rtx UV-5R ?


Thanks very muche for help me, best 73