In the USA home made equipment and commercially manufactured equipment are totally different things as far as the FCC is concerned.  The FCC has compliance requirements for all equipment.  For amateur use in the USA all commercially manufactured equipment must have at minimum a Part 15 approval for the receiver section.  Since Part 90 (or any other type acceptance) automatically includes this then we can use these radios.  Home made equipment requires no FCC approval whatsoever. since amateurs are considered to have skills to apply proper engineering practices.

In Australia I have heard the ACMA is VERY thorough in its enforcement of unapproved equipment.  I have heard of Australian amateurs having their Baofengs Wouxuns etc confiscated in violation.  You need to see what is or is not approved there.  Remember Australia actually enforces their communications laws so the Americans you hear  saying they can do this or that may not be good advice for you.  Of course the Aus. CBer using Baofengs and such is pretty much screwed since the ACMA will be onto them in droves.

My apologies for weird sentences.  My kids use this laptop and gunked it up so the comma key doesn't work

From: Bob Fk <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 8:42 PM
Subject: [chirp_users] Are Baofeng & Wouxun FCC compliant?

Recently here in Oz, there have been a number of Chinese radios use by Marine Rescue people, confiscated by ACMA officers claiming interference potential and the usual BS. ACMA in Oz is similar to FCC in the US.

I notice my Wouxun complies with FCC part 15 but cannot find a similar statement in the Baofeng manual.

I believe as amateurs (full calls) we are allowed to build our own gear so I assume we, the licensed operator, are responsible for complying with licensing requirements and are not limited to commercial, type approved, expensive equipment.

I would assume Australian laws would be similar to US laws in this respect.

How would this issue affect non Ham users, i.e. CB, Commercial, Civil Defence, Volunteer Fire & Rescue organisations etc?
-- 73 Bob, VK2BYF 

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