Just a thought as my UV-5RC wouldn't up load from my laptop unless after I'd finished entering the frequencies etc. into Chirp I had to save the page and then X out that file on the screen (plain Chirp screen left on display) then click file, open and then click on the frequency file I'd saved then open, at this point all that I'd saved previously was back on the screen and then carry on the usual way to upload to the radio.
Works on all my different rigs.
Hope this was of use....

73, Richard de 5B4AJG

Sent from my iPhone

On 30 Oct 2015, at 00:03, slynchmob--- via chirp_users <chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

My UV 6 Baofeng will not respond to up load to chirp I have the right drivers loaded and the wire seem to go all the way in same wire is use for uv82 with no problem 
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