It's one that came with the P-777.  It's worked in the past with the MCP-1A software from Kenwood in windows. Though I had to change some COMM Port settings between the two.

Only one USB-Serial cable being used. I've done a full reset of the radio too just to be sure.

I think it may be the radio itself now. I tried it just now with the Kenwood MCP-1A software in Windows and it can't read the radio either. P-777 once again works fine in Windows with their software and same cable.

I'll play around with it some and see if I can get the Kenwood software to work again with it and then try CHIRP again.

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Dan Smith <> wrote:
> Yes.

Dangit :)

What kind of cable are you using? A real Kenwood PG-4Y?

The log indicates that it's getting something back from the radio, but
that it's garbage. This could be due to a bad cable, incorrect baud
rate, or some other device being connected other than the radio. Is
there any chance that something else has the serial port open already?
Do you have multiple USB-to-serial adapters connected?

I'm at a bit of a loss here, since CHIRP is stuck at sending the "ID"
command to the radio and isn't getting anything intelligible back in return.

Does anyone else have a TH-K2 that they could try to rule out any sort
of CHIRP issues? Jim, perhaps?

Dan Smith
chirp_users mailing list