Rich, It looks like you have a Prolific USB to serial interface, but it does not show up in the CHIRP list. Did you install the Prolific driver before starting CHIRP?
Jean-Paul N1JPL
On Apr 21, 2018, at 6:41 PM, Rich Rahner imrich@mac.com wrote:
Pardon my question if it’s been beat to death but I couldn’t find it in the archives. I’m trying to program my radio and I’m not able to download from the radio into chirp. The radio and my computer are not communicating. Here are a series of screen shots that I hope can help diagnose the issue.
The first is the list of ports available(I don’t think the USB port is listed)
<Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 6.35.21 PM.png>
The second is the error screen I get when I try any of the ports listed. <Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 6.35.45 PM.png>
The third is the USB section of my ‘system information’ utility that seems to show the USB to stereo mini plug cable connected. <Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 6.37.20 PM.png> Rich Rahner imrich@mac.com
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