The offset won’t be in use unless you set the Duplex + or -.


Brad NK8J


From: [] On Behalf Of Milton Hywatt
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 5:30 AM
Subject: [chirp_users] Offset UV-5R


Why do I need a frequency in the offset cell even for a

simplex channel? I was redoing my channel list yesterday

and noticed the radio would not transmit on a channel that

was for simplex crossband use into my base radio. I had removed

the frequency figuring that if it is simplex it doesn't need an offset

entered since it is the same as the RX/TX entries. Well that's not

the case. It's no biggie. But I would like to understand the logic

of needed the simplex frequency entered into the offset cell. Or

maybe I'm doing something else wrong?
