You should be able to leave the "TONE" column empty, which means the values in rToneFreq, cToneFreq will be ignored. And like you said those columns cannot be empty. If you do leave them empty, Chirp by default will add 88.5 as extraneous data that will be ignored.
Hope this helps.
Dennis M. Wage (W9BOQ)
245 Corum Hill Road Castalian Springs, TN 37031 (615) 310-4242 Cell (615) 562-5128 Home http://hammondb3organ.net http://overdubs.net
On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 8:48 AM, survivor@cryptolab.net wrote:
When I use Chirp to set radio channels, there are many columns I cannot let empty, unless I cannot save it or uploat to radio. Most repeaters here have no subtone and I cannot let tone column empty, or null or zero. In chirp, there is a preseted tone list from 67.0 to 254.1. When I power on the transceiver in frequency mode and ajust to repeater channel, I can hear people talking normally. When I power on in channel mode and choose the respective channel with the same frequency, I cannot hear people talking. Pearhaps, tone values are wrong and in most cases they are unnecessary. How to I solve this? I have a Baofeng UV-82 WITH 8 Watts (HP). Firmware 3 KEY: N822413 6 KEY: 140902N
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