as others have said chirp is much better..... however if you still wish to use the baofeng "VIP" software a couple of things you will need to know are 

1) it is 2 languages (english and chineese) and usually defaults to chineese so all menus are "??" the 2nd menu from the right is the language selector.

2) you will need the lead in and drivers installed before you start the VIP program as if it cant find the lead the program will open close open close open close forever

i have both programs on windows 8 and chirp has neither of these problems and is much better.

73 M0RKY

-----Original Message-----
From: IW2GJV via chirp_users <>
Sent: Wed, 04 Nov 2015 7:09
Subject: [chirp_users] how baofeng programm used ?

3 november 2015

hi, for windows 7  and UV-5R version BFS-297   (june 2014)

how version of VIP program original from BAOFENG (not chirp )  i download to use
on windiows 7 ?

thnaks to help , 73



Richy B

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