I have zero problems with ads Dan. Just as long as they aren't associated to malicious payloads that you are confused how to opt-out of or are well disguised otherwise. It's just common sense right? We all realize bandwidth costs money. And bar a pay-wall you get your bucks for the bandwidth via ads. Not rocket science. However these big giant DOWNLOAD NOW buttons even though residing under an Advertisement disclaimer in much finer print is on the threshold of foul play. You know it, I know it, many do know except the few who fall prey for the scam. If you don't like my view on this, too bad. It's my opinion and I don't fear expressing it.
________________________________ From: Dan Smith dsmith@danplanet.com To: Discussion of CHIRP chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 8:38 PM Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Problem reported with Windows download?
The site really shouldn't have adverts in the first place
No? Why not? I have spent a lot of time on CHIRP over the years, paying quite a bit of money for hardware and hosting for the site. It's not free. Can you please explain why I shouldn't be able to have ads on my site?
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