BaoFeng has one radio that will sync display (shows memory tag name, and frequency) - the UV-5X3, which is a tri-bander (144/220/440).
John, W9APX
On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 15:12 Tom Consodine, ND5Y via chirp_users < chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:
You can't do that. It's impossible to do that either with Chirp or from the radio keypad. The UV-82 is not capable of syncing the displays.
Tom ND5Y
Now here's where I get lost. If you scroll up or down, the two won't match. And if you scan, you'll be way off. How do you keep 'em in sync? Chris Knowles, N1CAK
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