On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Mike Lubrecht mlubrecht@wildblue.net wrote:
I’ve just successfully uploaded a set of channels and other settings to my Yaesu VX-3. Those work perfectly. I then used Chirp to name three banks and select which channels I wanted to populate those banks. When I uploaded again, the radio doesn’t seem to recognize them – when I use the FW and/or BAND key to access them, I get a “NO BNK” message.
Sounds like another example of this: http://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/409
Here's what you can do: 1. Save the .img as you have it now. 2. Use the front panel on the radio to add a channel to a bank. This should set all the enabled bits associated with the bank. 3. Download from the radio. Save the new .img with another filename. 4. Create a new bug issue and attach both img files (search first, there might already be a bug report for this behavior on the VX3). You can mark your new issue as related to #409 if you want. A developer should be able to look at your two .img files and, based on your description of which channel you added to which bank, determine what bits need to be set.