You download and install the new version. No need to uninstall the old version.
From a terminal try:
sudo flatpak install {filename}
On 13/05/2021 19:21 Steve Owens via chirp_users wrote:
One more shot here. I initially downloaded and (somehow) installed the flatpak version. It works. I have cloned two radios with it. It just tells me it would like to be updated, and I can't figure out how to do it. Nothing in my right-click quiver will open the new flatpak. It just sits there in my downloads folder. I've had competent users walk me through the steps on the web page, but they didn't work.
At some point, should I uninstall what I have, keeping the couple of .img files I've generated, and try to install either through the software manager, or should I grab what is offered in the Synaptic Package Manager perhaps?
I have a screen shot of that, but it occurs to me that I have never seen anyone post a pic to this list. If it's ok, let me know, and I'll show what is available to me in the package manager.