I am working tonight and cannot use the radio. You can email me off list.  Jardy72@yahoo.com

Jardy Dawson WA7JRD
Sent from the Death Star for Darth Vader's eyes only. Any other reception will be severely punished. 💀

On Apr 18, 2016, at 16:20, Andy Healy via chirp_users <chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

Totally off-topic...Jardy? Hi it is Andy H KG7UUE. Got a non CHIRP question for you. Meet you on w7aia at 5pm?TY Andy

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 18, 2016, at 15:28, Jardy via chirp_users <chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

Have you looked at the list of supported radios on the CHIRP homepage?

Jardy Dawson WA7JRD
Sent from the Death Star for Darth Vader's eyes only. Any other reception will be severely punished. 💀

On Apr 18, 2016, at 15:03, Kemp LaMunyon Sr. <kemp_l@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,
  Been a lurker for some time, I have 2 radios, Baofeng Bf-F8. Chirp and BF work awesome. I recently purchased an IC-737 . I am using a longwire from tree to tree. My question is will Chirp work with the Icom?

Can someone point me to the cable diagram and basic Info?


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