Well I found it. Here is the last part of the file. It seems to still be putting the radio into some type of mode with the two upper channel indicator lamps on. It stays there after the error drops and only a power cycle will make the radio go back to channel 1. Could it be that the radio has NO programming in it? Forgive me if that sounds absurd as I don't work with these commercial radios too often. Thanks for any help!
[2016-11-24 23:09:16,046] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Server reports version daily-20161123 is latest
[2016-11-24 23:09:32,279] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected Kenwood TK-862 on port COM5
[2016-11-24 23:09:32,319] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread started
[2016-11-24 23:09:32,339] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: Serial port open successful
[2016-11-24 23:09:32,339] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: Sending MAGIC
[2016-11-24 23:09:32,440] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: Try 0
[2016-11-24 23:09:33,598] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: No go, next try
[2016-11-24 23:09:33,599] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: Try 1
[2016-11-24 23:09:34,756] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: No go, next try
[2016-11-24 23:09:34,757] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: Try 2
[2016-11-24 23:09:35,914] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: No go, next try
[2016-11-24 23:09:35,914] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: Try 3
[2016-11-24 23:09:37,073] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: No go, next try
[2016-11-24 23:09:37,073] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: Try 4
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,230] chirp.drivers.tk760 - DEBUG: No go, next try
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,232] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,233] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: -- Exception: --
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,233] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\ui\clone.pyo", line 249, in run
File "chirp\drivers\tk760.pyo", line 410, in sync_in
File "chirp\drivers\tk760.pyo", line 254, in do_download
File "chirp\drivers\tk760.pyo", line 226, in open_radio
RadioError: Radio refuse to enter into program mode after a few tries
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,234] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: ----------------
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,234] chirp.ui.clone - ERROR: Clone failed: Radio refuse to enter into program mode after a few tries
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,282] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,282] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: Kenwood_TK-862,download,True
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,285] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,285] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: --- Exception Dialog: Radio refuse to enter into program mode after a few tries ---
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,286] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirpw", line 67, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[2016-11-24 23:09:38,286] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: ----------------------------