G'day Dan,
I just posted b7 with the following changes:
All of this testing is on my IC-92AD...
- Fixed up setting bank back to None
Confirmed. Just a thought... If the Bank is set back to "none" is it worth forcing the Bank Index to "-1" so that the number is available for reuse. Currently it looks like you can only set the Bank Index back to "-1" manually. It may also make things cleaner if you sort the list based on Bank Index in the GUI.
BTW, I worked out yesterday why the Bank was only displaying as "A-", "B-", etc and the same with the drop down Bank list when the field was selected, instead of just showing "A", "B", etc in the GUI. It was simply that the default width for the Bank field in the GUI was truncating any Bank names that had been entered. I should have checked that earlier, but simply widening that field in the GUI showed the additional information. Having the GUI display the Bank name, which you have done, makes it easier to choose the appropriate bank.
- Fix ic9x bank index being 0 instead of -1, thus avoiding auto-set
Confirmed and the auto-set feature now works on the IC-92AD if the Bank Index was originally "-1".
- Add a "Special Memories" check box at the top to show/hide them
- Make all radios return all special memory locations all the time
I presume you mean when the check box is enabled. If yes, confirmed.
- Improve automatic bank index selection
Not sure what you have changed here. However, I did notice in the last couple of betas that in the Banks tab I can enter a long Bank Name which appears to be OK while CHIRP is running, but then gets truncated to 8 chars when you exit / restart CHIRP. Would it be better to limit the field to 8 chars (or whatever the radio can handle) at the point of entering the Bank name? This could probably wait until you attack the GUI in 0.1.9.
- Avoid loading the callsign lists at startup for radios that don't require them. Instead load on the first attempt to show the D-STAR tab.
YAY!!! This makes the loading much faster. The only question is if you perform an export, for example to .chirp format, and you haven't pressed the D-STAR tab to load the callsign lists, will CHIRP grab this info and include it in the export?
I still haven't added the special memory support to import/export, nor have I added the conversion of bank index to letters. Nor have I added the bank index collision detection.
No dramas.
Dave T, I hope you appreciate the last item in the changed list. I got so tired of waiting for those big lists to download *every* time I opened up the 92 :)
Yep, see above :)
I think I'm going to fix up bank-index-to-letter bit for import/export and then call 0.1.8 good, barring any other actual bugs.
I haven't come across any other bugs in this version, based on my testing with the IC-92AD, that would stop release once the bank-index-to-letter and import / export are addressed. I'll update the wiki Data Model on the wiki to reflect the Special Memories section and link it to the main CHIRP wiki page.
I wanted to release 0.1.8 a while ago with mostly just individual memory field completeness, but the special memory support has been quite a can of worms.
Yeah, but it was such a simple and harmless request to include them in this release :)
We've got a lot of things to fix that are all GUI-related that I want to tackle in 0.1.9, and thus want to avoid the scope of 0.1.8 creeping any further.
Davidt, VK3UR