That USB cable still has a serial adapter inside, probably a Prolific. You just don't see it.
Personally, I have had nothing but trouble with the Prolific adapters - including the ones built in to my ICom cable, my GPS receiver, and the USB Serial adapter I used for rig control for my TS-2000. I ended up ditching all the Prolific stuff and going with FTDI or internal RS-232 ports where possible.
My GPS? A $30 paperweight. --- Tom Wilson Sent from my Motorola Droid On Jun 7, 2012 2:39 PM, "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." wrote:
I use a USB connector with a G4ZLP interface, no serial cable used at all. eBay has similar cables which they sell starting at $18.00
73 David N1EA
On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 2:48 PM, John Johnson jj31234@tampabay.rr.comwrote:
Thank you for the feedback. I have narrowed down the problem to my Dell notebook. If I use my ASUS notebook (using a USB to serial cable since it does not have a physical serial port) I am able to both download and upload the memories with no problem. I am unsure what the problem is with the Dell; I have checked all of the settings and they appear correct. At this point I am not concerned since all the Dell runs is HRD, DM780, logbook, and JT-65hf.
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