I might as well wet the fire plug, too. This being THE chirp discussion list, and most likely the greatest concentration of chirp users known to mankind, how many of you out there have fried eeproms using chirp ?
To fry an eeprom it would either require excessive voltage on the signal leads - caused by the interface along with poor design in the radio to even allow such to cause damage and having nothing to do with the software, or some serial data written to the WRONG memory locations - sort of like damaging flash code in the radio, and perhaps as serious as requiring a trip home for a re-flash.
As far as frying a chip - I sure have my doubts. Possibly a ground loop between a PC and the radio or something of that nature and not at all software related ?
My two ¢'s. steve nu5d
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:45 AM, Wayne Ridley ridleyww@yahoo.com wrote:
Whether the software has an effect on the Yaesu radios or not, the reality is, that for Mac users Chirp is the only solution since the RT software only works on Windows.
Works great so far on my VX-6R.
Wayne Ridley VE3LFB
On Friday, October 18, 2013 4:49 AM, IZ3GME Marco < iz3gme.marco@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Charlie for your demo have a look to
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K4MDTZ2O4uV4kw10l3WukY_hrjr7kCAebdHX... may be you can find useful material there but remember it's a little outdated (last update was in may).
I think there's nothing I can add to the rest of discussion but let me say that I programmed my ft817 and ft857 "hundred" times during development of those modules and they are still alive.
73 de IZ3GME Marco
On 18/10/2013 00:18, Charles Stillman wrote:
I figured it would be all over the web if there were serious problems. I
have no reason to doubt Tim's sincerity. Perhaps, someone involved with development could approach him to get more information about the supposed problems. I know if I had a problem, I'd be on this forum in a heartbeat.
I'll be demoing Chirp at our next HAM meeting here in Seattle so need to
do my due diligence about what I'm recommending!
Charlie Stillman KC1S
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chirp_users mailing list chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users
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