Blank = no tone set Tone = sets encode transmit tone only ToneSQL = sets both Tx and RX to the same freq
The are examples and guides in section 6 of http://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_CHIRP.php
I hope this assists. John Http://www.miklor.com
On Apr 27, 2016, at 7:57 AM, Rich Messeder rich.messeder@gmail.com wrote:
I have now spent many hours browsing the various web pages, and I think it will be many more before I am done, and have culled what I need for my radios.
But I still opine that CHIRP docs are not clear. http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MemoryEditorColumns Tone: CTCSS tones are used. Transmit tone is taken from the Tone column, receive tone from the ToneSql column. Is this true? Not intuitive. See Tone->Tone: This means use the Tone value for transmit tone, and the ToneSql value for receive squelch
<blank>: Indicates that no method is used for this, either transmit or receive I don't have <blank> so far.
->Tone: This means do not transmit a Tone or DTCS Code, but use the ToneSql value for receive squelch Right now, this is counterintuitive to me. And partly because I have an option not address on the page, TSQL, which I expect to mean that no PL code is used for Tx, but is used to open the squelch on Rx.
The page referenced above is one that I have not read completely yet.
On 2016-04-25 17:33:-0400, you wrote:
Puzzled by defaults I selected several lines, and used the properties dialog to try to change the Tone and ToneSql. Instead, those values were all set to some default (88.5), and Cross Mode were reset from >Tone to Tone>Tone.
What you have to realize is that when Tone Mode is set to Tone, only the Tone column is used and all the other columns related to PL/DPL are ignored. When Tone Mode is set to TSQL, only the ToneSql column is use an all the rest are ignored.
See the CHIRP column guides available here on on miklor.com
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