>150 repeaters into 128 slots might be a problem

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 11:36 AM Chance Fulton <chance.fulton@gmail.com> wrote:
After looking at the CSV, I'd change the ,, that is reserved for offset direction to + or - when offset = 0. Might help.


On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 10:21 AM Sam the Computer Man <swilfond@gmail.com> wrote:


I am a relatively a new HAM.  I need some assistance getting over the learning curve in programming my radio.  I am using chirp-daily 20181205.  I have created a CSV file with repeater information that I pulled from repeaterbook.com.  When opening the CSV file in chirp several errors during open occurs.  I know these errors are due to my lack of knowledge and understanding what all the columns information that are required.   While the total error number is 36, there are basically 4 errors. I have attached my CSV file for review.

  1. Line [#] [rtone] could not convert sting to float: D265
  2. Line [#] [tuning_step] could not convert string to float:
  3. Line [#] [ctone] could not convert sting to float:
  4. Line [#] [tmode] ‘TONE’ is not a valid list; [,’Tone’,’TSQL’,DTCS’,’DTSC-R’,TSQL-R’,’Cross’]

I would like to learn how to interrupt these errors so I can fix them. What is rtone? What is tuning step? What is ctone? What is tmode?  To fix these errors I go to the line number (row) and then to the column label to the corresponding error type.  I just don’t know the correct information that is required to fix each cell.


Little back ground. My radio is a Baofang GT3 (Baofang UV5).  The first step I did in programming my radio was to download the radio image and save it as a CSV file so I would know what format and type of information that is needed to program my radio. I added the information for NOAA Weather into the CSV file and uploaded the CSV file to my radio this went great.  I then added about 5 more local repeaters to the CSV file and upload to my radio. This went well too.  I repeated this process to program of program my radio and successfully upload about 30 repeater into my radio.  So I decided to take the big leap and added another 100 repeater on my state.  It at this point of open the CSV file with about 150 repeater that the error message start to display.  I have attached the CSV file for your review as it might help in trouble shooting.  I would also like to add more repeater in the Orlando area. My goal is to program as many repeaters my state as possible and to have my radio organize the frequency by geographical area with my home area repeaters listed as the lower channel numbers.


My CSV is layout as:

Column A is Location which is the channel number for the memory

Column B is the name for the channel number, while my radio display only seven character, I know only the first seven character are display.  I been using location of the repeater as the name.

Column C is frequency. I understand this, this information is pulled from repeaterbook.com

Column D is duplex, this is either a “+” sign or “-“ sign or blank,  this information is pulled from repeaterbook.com

Column E is offset,  is mainly a 5 or 0.6 base on the offset, this information is pulled from repeaterbook.com

Column  F is Tone, I do not understand, but it always seems to be “Tone” or blank

Column G is rToneFreq, I do not understand, but I pull this from repeaterbook.com

Column H is cTomeFreq, I do not understand, but I pull this from repeaterbook.com

Column I is DtscCode, I do not understand,  but it always seems to 23

Column J is DtscPolarity, I do not understand, but it always seems to be NN

Column K is Mode,  I do not understand, but it always seems to be FM

Column L is TStep, I do not understand, but is always seems to be 5


Thank You in advance for your help with in getting my radio program by correcting these error so I can upload this file into my radio.

Sam Wilfond – KM4GOI

Lake Worth Florida

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