02/04/2023 - Well, things don't look too good. Have run into a major snag with communications between the radio and the computer. While this is not an issue for radio control (that you might be using through other software), it is for programming details of the memory channels and all the settings. We are asking questions of Yaesu engineers and will let you know the results once we have a definitive answer. For now, all is just on hold.
On Mar 19, 2023, at 02:19, Shon Edwards <sre.1966@gmail.com> wrote:
Does anyone know if s/w and cable exist for the Yaesu FT-710 AESS?_______________________________________________Thx & 73 de Shon, K6QTShon R. Edwards1039 N 2575 W
Layton, UT, 84041-7709
Home phone: +1 (801) 444-3445Cell phone: +1 (208) 406-0444E-mail: sre.1966@gmail.comFCC Call: K6QT
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