Dan a Facebook page mite make it easier to get images of the Kenwood TK-280, would reach more hams.
On Jan 11, 2017 5:49 PM, "Pavel Milanes Costa" pavelmc@gmail.com wrote:
Hi to all,
I'm working remotely with a willing user to get a serial log one of this radio (TK-280) and start the development of a basic Chirp's driver.
My goal is to make at least a successful download/upload script and parse the general channel data for this model (TK-280), my experience points that making support for one member of the family will make trivial to extend it to the rest of the family; by looking to the OEM software the whole family could be:
Further development (beyond upload/download and simple channel data) will be very unlikely from my side as I don't have a radio at reach to test and hack at this time.
*Side note:* I live in Cuba island, sending me a radio is not an option (yet), I must work remotely and some users must cooperate with me in the testing of this driver; I have done that before is hard work but works, the BTECH and brothers radios support for chirp was made this way with the great help of Jim Unroe.
Users of the Kenwood TK-280: if you like your radio supported please upload some portmon logs to the below issue (link), instructions for doing that here: http://chirp.danplanet.com/attachments/2257/how%20to% 20portmon.doc
The main thread/issue of the development will be this: http://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/4395
73 Pavel CO7WT
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