On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 12:06 AM, Christian Peeples <chris_peeples@yahoo.com
Dear All:
CHIRP downloaded and unzipped 55 files to my computer. None of them
are CHIRP.exe or anything that is obvious. I clicked on a number of them and CHIRP did not start. How does one start CHIRP?
-- Chris Peeples -- KE6MQW --
You didn't mention which CHIRP download you downloaded or which operating system you are trying to run CHIRP under. I am going to guess that your OS is some version of Microsoft Windows.
If you downloaded the Windows Installer version (this is the version that I would recommend that most Windows users install and use), double clicking it would install CHIRP under the appropriate "Program Files" folder and create a CHIRP shortcut in the Start Menu. You would then just browse to this shortcut in the Start Menu, click it, and CHIRP would launch.
If you downloaded the Windows Standalone version (my guess is this is what you have), you will unZIP the file in a suitable location that you yourself choose. The file that launches CHIRP is the same one referenced in the CHIRP shortcut mentioned above, "chirpw.exe". However, if your Folder Options has "Hide extensions for known file types" enabled (the default setting), then the file will only show up as "chirpw" in Windows Explorer.
Browsing to the CHIRP folder of either installation and double-clicking the "chirpw" executable file will launch CHIRP.