It is most likely the USB to serial adapter software. I THINK what I have on my MacBook Pro is PL2303_Serial-USB_on_OSX_Lion.pkg, at least that is what I have saved in my download folder.On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Bob DeFranco <> wrote:I have a MacBook Air running OS 10.9.2. I just installed CHIRP 0.4.0 and Python runtime and tried to program my UV-5RPlus. I get an error message saying that the radio did not respond. I checked the cable (Prolific chip) and found that the computer recognized it. I should note that I have used this same cable to program the same radio on a Windows 7 desktop PC, so I know the cable connects properly to the radio. Everything works, except I can't download data from my radio. Any thoughts or solutions?Bob DeFranco
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