Fred - there was a question on the CHIRP Facebook concerning whether the Yaesu Ft-50 is supported in CHIRP. It is not listed as a supported model on the CHIRP homepage, but it does show up as a supported model in the debug log. I went through the debug log and extracted all the supported models shown there (file attached); perhaps one of the CHIRP volunteers could cross check the debug list with the homepage list and update if needed.
Fred is right to point you to the model list on the front page. We get a lot of emails and requests for "what is supported" and it's exhausting to answer them all when there is a list available.
However, you are also right that the FT-50R got skipped when it was added (it was removed and re-added actually).
For future reference, every daily build gets a model support sheet generated from the code, which is always going to be accurate:
I have fixed the FT-50R on the website, and will send out a reminder to developers to add their radios there. If you or any other users find other gaps, please help us by pointing them out.