Thank You All
                  The amount of help that i got was and is amazing. Thank you one and all.
Success! Chirp now works just fine on my Puppy Linux system. 

Again thank you so much.

Best Regards

On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 6:02 PM Stuart Longland VK4MSL <> wrote:
On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:24:07 -0400
John KB2SCS <> wrote:

> For your help with my problem. The flavor of puppy Linux I am using is the
> Ubuntu derivative called Fossapup.
> Puppy does not have the apt command. In order to install libraries/packages
> you use the puppy package manager to search and install packages from the
> Ubuntu depositories. I think I have installed all the libraries I need.

Okay, bit strange… Ubuntu is a Debian derivative, therefore uses `apt`,
so as an Ubuntu derivative, there should be an `apt` binary installed.

But, I digress…

> I would like to run chirp from the command line with the following command.
> Python3
> Or
> Python3

Okay, watch case sensitivity here; most installs on Python (even on
Windows) use a lower case `python`, and all Linux distributions are
case-sensitive.  `python3` should work, but `Python3` will likely yield
a "command not found".

Similarly with file names; `` won't work if the file is
actually called ``.  I know it sounds pedantic, but on Unix
variants, it matters.

> Which ever is the new file name. In the  chirp-20230328.tar.gz
> file that I downloaded and extracted does not have or
> Is it no longer possible to run chirp via the python interpreter  running
> the source code like you were able to run the legacy python 2 version of
> chirp?

The git repository does have a ``.  This seems to not be
distributed in the tarball.  That said, you can still run Chirp from
the unpacked tarball:

I downloaded
-- for reference, here's the checksum to confirm you got the same file
I did.

$ sha256sum /tmp/chirp-20230328.tar.gz
5e4ce5f2eef80fec7a5d7e47383c99957c16a31df2f8b4a705fab0c50090ce5a  /tmp/chirp-20230328.tar.gz

I unpacked it with `tar -xzf chirp-20230328.tar.gz`; that created a
`chirp-20230328` sub-directory.  Indeed, if I enter that directory and do a `ls`, there's no
``.  I had a look though, there's a `chirp/wxui` sub-directory though, so I tried:

$ python3 -m chirp.wxui

The Chirp window appeared.  So you might be able to run it that way.

That said, the safer approach may be to run `python3 install
--user` and run it via whatever scripts that creates in your
`~/.local/bin` directory (or via desktop icons).
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Let us hope we never witness the "Silence Of The Hams"
73 DE John KB2SCS
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