The BF-F8HP Pro and newer analog models have upgradeable firmware which will be supported by official version of Terri Kennedy's CPS in upcoming release, so this information is outdated. It would be nice if Chirps followed suit but I think everybody needs to catch up first.
Quoting Ken Hansen via Users :
On Oct 17, 2024, at 08:39, kn4 dwh via Users
However with regard to A), I have seen firmware extracted with JTAG
methods direct from the chip or the board and we all know these devices have flashable upgradeable firmware.
We all do not know these devices have flashable/upgradeable firmware, in fact quite the opposite, if we are talking about Baofeng-like radios.
Opening the case and tapping onto the PCB/chip leads to 'get at' the firmware may work to read the firmware, but as I understand the radios do not have rewriteable/erasable/updateable firmware ICs.
Baofeng DMR radios are a different beast with upgradeable firmware.
Ken, N2VIP _______________________________________________ Users mailing list To unsubscribe, send an email to To report this email as off-topic, please email List archives: