I was able to download and upload using both choices UV 82 and UV 82 HP
When menu 2 [TXP] has 2 choices, use UV-82 When menu 2 [TXP] has 3 choices, use UV-82HP
The other two UV 82 choices came back with the error like not expected amount of data from radio.
The other 2 choices are for models that have more in common with the so-called 'waterproof' models.
So the memories gave me an error about a field that wasn't right, and I okayed that and uploaded without a glitch. But there still aren't any memories in the radio. But when I download from the radio, they are all there. So what would cause this radio to not use the memories? It is in channel mode. It only goes from 0 to 127. Is this a radio issue, or a problem with the IMG?
It is not possible to know for sure without having access to the radio and/or IMG file. I would suggest that you open a ticket and attach the IMG file so it can be examined.