On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 9:25 AM, rolan.clark@comcast.net wrote:
Dear all,
When I click on a memory channel and highlight it and then right click and click on edit the URCALL, RPT1CALL and RPT2CALL do not show up in the edit memory window, the skip field is the last one displayed.
What am I doing wrong,
73 de rolan w3fdk
You're probably not doing anything wrong. It sounds like URCALL, RPT1CALL and RPT2CALL just aren't supported in the detail/batch edit dialog. You could call this a bug--it was probably just an oversight. Create a issue for it if you want.
Anyhow, you can edit URCALL, RPT1CALL, RPT2CALL and any other parameter displayed in the spreadsheet view right from the spreadsheet view. The right-click edit dialog is only needed for batch editing and what we call "extra settings".