
My experience is that Apple is the one not playing too nice, although I'm sure they have their reasons.

When Yosemite came out last fall, three things happened. First, Apple added their own FTDI driver, which doesn't work with most cables. Second, they put in extra security around all of their drivers that can't be easily bypassed. Thirdly, if you edit the FTDI config files, OS X marks the driver as unusable (because the file checksum changes). I tried many solutions (all pre-Yosemite) and none would work. I ended up moving my Linux machine closer to the radio. It works like a champ with Chirp and fldigi where the Mac would no longer work after upgrading to Yosemite.

That said, I found this that says it works on Yosemite, however I have not tried it.

Good luck and 73,

Robert AF5RA