It appears to me that Baofeng/Vero is using offsets (bytes) 04 and 09 in each 16-byte frequency (or channel structure) word to designate the CTCSS tone or DCS code. From what I see, there are 50 CTCSS tone codes and 104 DCS codes. Do I double that last number to account for the 2 polarities? If so, that means I'm trying to store 258 distinct bit codes in a max 16-bit hex byte (00-FF)..
The tone fields are two bytes wide. I would point you at the code if you're interested in the details, and also point you to the chirp_devel list if you want to talk bits and bytes. That's beyond the scope of what most people subscribed here want to see.
Is what you classify as DTCS "R" polarity what the Baofeng folks designate as "I"?
Yes. Icom calls it "reverse" and many commercial rigs call it "inverted". I expect the UV3-R refers to it as "inverted," since Baofeng stole (allegedly, of course) from a commercial rig.