This question must have been asked a million times already, but as I'm a new HAM in the Netherlands (since last Monday), I ask it one more time.
I have a Yaesu FT-857D (US model) and a cheap Chinese USB cable that I bought from Ebay.
I have insalled HamRadioDeluxe and this program can communicate with the radio over COM3. The cable is recognized as USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM3) in Win7.
Now I installed CHIRP and I get the error 'Failed to communicate with radio: Unable to read block 00 expected 4 got 0'
I searched the internet and found some hints:
- Press the send button on the radio after clicking OK in CHIRP (I wondered what is 'the send button'? This radio has a million buttons)
- Press the A button under the screen after cliking OK in CHIRP (the A button has manny functions on the 857, so which menu should be selected)
- Set the CAT speed to 9600bps (did that)
So basically the question is which menu I should select before pressing the A button. Or a step by step for the FT-857D is also welcome.
Thanks for your help!
Antoon (PA2AR).