You put out more free software than ANY of us combined. You definitely don't have to apologize for ANYTHING! (GRIN)
Heh, okay :)
I don't know if you'd heard, but the new Icom rigs coming that hit the FCC database this last week -- one of their goals was to unify the programming software between the new mobile and the new HT. Of course, there will always be plenty of us out here with the other rigs, but thought I'd mention it.
Yep, I heard. I'll be glad to take a look at them if/when I can get my hands on a pair.
They've tasked RT Systems with writing software that will handle both the ID-880H mobile and the ID-80 one-band at a time/dual-band HT... or whatever they're actually called when they hit the U.S. market.
It will be interesting to see if the software is "translating" and the two rigs actually don't speak the same standard, or if they're identical "under the hood" on the serial line.
Yep, it will be very interesting. The ID-880 looks very similar to the 800 and the handheld looks just like a 91. So, I'd expect them to both behave like their ancestors, but you never know...