13 May
13 May
3:31 p.m.
Interesting. The Kenwood MCP program can use the port on the control head. Maybe some retooling of the Kenwood module is in order? I can read the memories now. I still think that if the radio can perform as any other radio with a whole memory dump, then we can dispense with the "live" mode.
On 5/13/2018 6:19 PM, Tom Hayward wrote:
On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 3:11 PM Charles Hargrove <n2nov@nyc-arecs.org mailto:n2nov@nyc-arecs.org> wrote:
Exception: Radio reports TM-D710GP (not TM-D710G)
Great, thanks. Now we're getting somewhere!
You didn't happen to plug the cable into the control head, did you? The memories are stored in the RF deck, not the control head, so you'll need to plug into the main radio body to program channels.
Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC-ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.
NYC-ARECS/RACES Nets 449.025/123.0 PL
ARnewsline Broadcast Mon. @ 8:00PM
NYC-ARECS Weekly Net Mon. @ 8:30PM
NY-NBEMS Net Saturdays @ 10AM & USeast-NBEMS Net Wednesdays @ 7PM
on 7.036 Mhz USB (alt 3.536)/1500 hz waterfall spot; MFSK-16 or 32
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(The work praises the man.)
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