On Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 4:02 PM David Ranch chirp@trinnet.net wrote:
I just looked on the Chirp website, Wiki, and FAQ and only the download page gives a hit that Linux users should use the Flatpak method. Beyond that.. no details are shared.
Could someone who has access to the web page take what D.J.J wrote down below and add it to a "Linux Flatpak" FAQ entry? It might need some additional items listed under a dependency section like the native OS needs to have X version of Qt runtime libraries installed, etc.
--David KI6ZHD
I have qt5 and qtatspi installed.
qt5 (a multi-platform C++ graphical user interface toolkit) qtatspi [Installed]: qtatspi (Qt AT-SPI2 bridge.) QT Accessibility Bridge to SPI2. At-Spi2 is a protocol over DBus, toolkit widgets use it to provide their content to screen readers such as Orca.
I am using Slint Slackware 14 with orca 41.1 running and CHIRP is inaccessible to blind users as ORCA doesn't read the screen.
I highly recommend SLINT which is International (supports lots of languages and is highly accessible with multiple console screen readers and text applications already installed and more are available. https://slint.fr/wiki/doku.php?id=:en:start
73 DR