Well, whatever data may be sent through my encrypting protocol, so data of all varieties: encoded bytes, audio, video. It's all encoded bytes at the bottom of the stack, with my installation of the correct encoder thunk on the top of the comm stack. I do not know enough yet. But I will learn and am excited to do so!
Cheers, Robert
On 4/7/21 6:12 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
FLDIGI is only narrow band. He mentioned wanting to send video.
On 07/04/2021 18:04 Don Goodrich don.goodrich@cheerful.com wrote:
Check out FLDIGI
Don Goodrich don.goodrich@Cheerful.com AF7DG Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2021 at 4:50 PM From: "Robert Withers via chirp_users" chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com To: "Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF" nigel@ngunn.net, "Robert Withers via chirp_users" chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Download From Radio under Ubuntu 20.04 error An additional query. How is DSP done, then? I thought that is what I was looking to do, with a program running on connected computers, doing the processing of the digital data.
Thanks, Robert
On 4/7/21 5:42 PM, Robert Withers wrote:
What? Is there no way to transmit data over RF? I thought that that was a transmit mode, in eligible frequencies. I guess the info transmitted must go through the mic input and out the spk jack, as those are the only jacks in my handheld. But I really thought that data transmission was possible. Oh dear, much more to research.
Kindly, Robert
On 4/7/21 4:57 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
You're not going to do that using any connector normally provided on the radio. You can send the data out of the computer through a serial port but it will need to go directly into the modulator or VFO on the radio. There are special data radios available but most amateur transceivers won't do it. Video is different because of the bandwidth required so you might be better with receiver and transmitter designed for TV use.
I want to read /write data to be broadcast over the RF frequency the radio is set to. I want to intercept the traffic on the computer to run my own protocol, which may be audio/video but encoded into my protocol. I am thinking the answer is reading and writing to the tty may work, or mic input and spk output for audio. But I want data transmission, not audio.My software currently reads/writes to/from a socket. The read side of reading from a tty should probably be buffered, somehow. Something to figure out as I complete my ReedSolomon implementation and fix a few bugs in my protocol software.
Kindly, Robert
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Nigel A. Gunn, ///shoulders.outwards.resolutions tel +1-937-971-0366 Amateur Radio G8IFF W8IFF and GMRS WRBV701, e-mail nigel@ngunn.net www http://www.ngunn.net